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Ano-dyne (an' o din'e-) adj: relieving or lessening of pain, soothing n: anything that relieves pain or soothes.

This album is a unique collection of original songs written and performed by Newell Oler. Over the years he recorded many piano arrangements that were put away for future albums. One group of his original songs was "Anodynes."

A name he surely chose because of its meaning. This album contains his Anodyne series. His music has and always will have the ability to ease the mind and calm the stresses of life. If you knew Newell or just know of his music, you know that his special touch at the piano was like no other.

Newell was born with the exceptional talent of "perfect pitch" and that enabled him to master all realms of music with perfection. During his career he produced 22 albums. In addition to his music, he was a poet, singer, and writer. He also had a passion for books and once described himself as someone with a constant hunger for knowledge. He was truly a complex multi-dimensional man who could easily interact and converse with all people. But, without question, the piano was his destiny and life-long endeavor. For all who listen to this album (or others) he simply wanted to share the serenity and comfort he created through beautiful music.


Memories Of The Heart (6:17) by Newell Oler
Love Is Always (4:22) by Newell Oler
Pondering (2:50) by Newell Oler
Glad I Knew You (2:35) by Newell Oler
Moonlight Rhapsody (11:57) by Newell Oler
Lyrical Sketch (1:04) by Newell Oler
Something Soothing (2:14) by Newell Oler
Symphony of Love (9:54) by Newell Oler
Color of Winter (4:00) by Newell Oler
Sublime Serenity (6:48) by Newell Oler
Subtle Rain (5:23) by Newell Oler

© 1999-2014 Piano Music of Newell Oler
Designed by RedlineVision.com
Graphics by EdmonsonStudios.com

For more info call (214) 349-3053